Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Doctor Free Day!! was my only doctor free day of the week. Tomorrow, George goes to the Specialist and we are anxious to get this visit done.

Tomorrow, I have 2 orientations at Jillian's school, one for her and another for the 2 yr old class. I am speaking at both and one more on Friday. Just an introduction of what the Parent's Association is, what we do, etc. Plus Jillian's orientation, which we already know the teacher. Tomorrow night, over to Yates to meet Elizabeth's 1st grade teacher. Luckily, I am friend's with her Kindergarten teacher and I was able to get feedback on her new class and the teacher. I am really looking forward to meeting her.

Lastly, Jillian had another rough night, but we were able to give her more cough medicine around 1:30 in the morning. Poor girl....she doesn't know what is going on....And she wakes herself up like she's ready for a new day...Let me just say, Thank You God for 24 hours of Noggin...Sitting in a dark room watching Noggin puts her right back out...But I need something to occupy her while she is coughing and can't go back to sleep.

A friend of mine wrote today about her two boys pickering and arguing...Yes, I clearly understand. We have that in my house...I see what my mom and other people say that when you get to the end of the summer, even the kids are ready to go back to school....LOL! I'll miss them on Monday, but it will be nice for the two ladies in my house to have their separate classes, friends, etc....(Hey, even separate locations!!! haha!)


Karlise said...

Hope she's feeling better! I'm glad we haven't had to use 24hour Noggin yet but I'm sure it will happen eventually.

Melodie said...

Noggin rules my house.