Monday, August 25, 2008


Well, I know my posts have been back and forth, Jilly not doing well to Jilly starting to feel better. At this point, all the coughing is horrible and normally, for my girl's, antibiotics work within a couple of days and I see some improvement. In Jilly's case, this is not happening. So I've said this before, I went to a new pediatric office, filled out the records to be transferred there and we have an appt. later today for a 2nd opinion/new patient sick visit. EVEN if they say the exact same thing, Jillian's situation was not handled correctly....Back in June, Elizabeth's lice situation was not handled correctly, and back in February, Jillian's rotavirus was not handled correctly. All of these are more than a common cold of flu...They all need some sort of immediate attention. Therefore, as I type this I feel like a bad mom that I let this happen not once, not twice, but three x's...But its time....

Some of you might know where I went and that's fine...I will not bad-mouth the practice, its all in a personal opinion and personal care...Every patient is different.....

Hopefully, there will not be any new diag. later.....but will post later....


Karlise said...

Email me with who you went to and who you are going to please. I may have to change practices if we get on the KidCare insurance. I'm pretty sure our ped. won't take KidCare.

Karlise said...

Good luck at today's appt btw!

Anonymous said...

Good luck with the new ped. I hope they can figure out what is going on and get her on meds that will work. You are not a bad mom, you just like to give the benefit of the doubt, that's all! Now you know for sure that is not the ped office for you! Keep us posted on how Jillian is doing.

Working Mama said...

Hope there is some answer on Jilly - hope she's feeling better too!

Melodie said...

Who did you switch to? Why did you choose them?