Monday, June 9, 2008

A Big OMG!!

Ok, let me start this by backing up about a week or so...(By time I get to the first few sentences, my readers will know where I am going with this blog).

Elizabeth has be scratching her scalp a lot. Scratching to the point of minimal bleeding. I looked and saw her scalp was dry, thought the sun (even though she has such THICK hair) or the chlorine or maybe when our salt rain low in our filter...I thought about going to a dermotologist, but, she had her well visit coming up.

Thursday, went to her well visit...had the normal check done, etc. and I mentioned two thing to the doctor. One was a small lump, which is actually on her lymph node and due to all the ear problems she has been having. Her ear still looked bad and the doctor gave me drops to use prior to our visit back to the ENT on June 25th. Then I mentioned the hair, in which the doctor looks and said, yes, her scalp is dry. She proceeded to tell me to wash her hair with dandruff shampoo, which they do not make for kids, 2x a week. In about 2 weeks if the problem persists, take her to a dermatologist. I washed her hair Thursday evening after her rehearsal and Friday, itching still. I figured it might take 2 or 3 washings. Well Sat., the party, blah, blah, blah, she was so tired around 8:30 when she went to bed scratching and said I have bugs. She was half awake and half asleep and I thought "did someone say that two her". We had old friends, new friends (friends that couldn't swim at a pool party) girls/boys, did someone tease or joke with her. Anyway, she fell asleep. Sunday, woke up around 9:00 and all of us were beat from the long day we had on Saturday. We skipped church, but I had to calm the girls down a bit and decided to take them in the pool around 11:00 for an hour, have lunch and let them both have down time in their rooms, or course, while I watched the race...LOL! Elizabeth again said about her hair and sure enough, I checked and she had head lice. Never have I personally encountered these bastards!!! (Sorry for the language) Checked Jillian and those bastards were there too! (Not sorry anymore for the language)...LOL!

How the hell, after a week or more of itching, did her doctor not see lice or at least eggs. Granted, I didn't see lice, but I would NOT know what eggs looked like. This is the 2nd time my doctor has thoroughly disappointed me...First, NOT diagnosising Jillian with rotavirus and sending us to a specialist and now this...I will not post her name knowing people that read my blog go to her or at least her office....But I am pissed!!!

So yesterday we did the hair rinse and after, (NO JOKE) 12 loads of wash, I am hoping those guys are out of our house and lives. All stuffies on the girls beds are laying in airtight plastic bags so if they are on them, they are suffocating a slow death...

I did call all the party guests, but guess what, I do not have the # of the girl that got dropped off and couldn't swim...Oh well, not my problem then!!! EVERYONE was extremely nice about it...


Karen said...

Yuck, hope you got them all. It is surprising that the doctor didn't notice, especially since you were concerned about her scratching. Now you have the fun part to do, picking the nits out with a comb. Have fun, lol.

Melodie said...

OMG, Debbie! If I had a young child complaining that their head itched, the first thing I would do would be to check for head lice. I can't believe that your doctor didn't think the same thing. Unless your child is never around other children, there is a good chance that she will catch head lice at some point.
I know that the lower grades at Limona were having a problem with head lice just before school got out. It's just one of those things that happens, and it's worse during the summertime. By the way, in case you don't already know, the lice like the warmer areas of the head, so they will more often be found behind the ears and around the nape of the neck.

Melodie said...

By the way, check out my blog today. I have to go check two heads now.