Sunday, June 29, 2008
Last Day of the Week (and vacation)
The movie in general was cute. The kids enjoyed it and even though I thought Wall-E was adorable and his voice was cute, I'm from the E.T. age and E.T. still holds the bar high. But the movie (without giving anything or too much away) had a story line based along the environment and the whole "green" move. A bunch of 6 yr olds and even a few 8 yr olds do not get that. Yes, Elizabeth knows we recycle and that we recycle because it keeps the Earth clean, but nothing beyond that...That alone is enough considering there are many that really do not get anything about the environment. So the "meaning" of the story was only received by the adults attending. That's ok! I want my 6 yr old to do all she can do at her age, but hell, she's a child...she doesn't need to "get it". Back to the movie, there were certain parts that were drawn out.
Jillian went home after church with George. For us, she, OUR 3 yr old, does not belong in a movie theater!!! But there was another 3 yr old and an almost 3 yr old with us. The 3 yr old, dad had to leave with her mid-way BUT the ALMOST 3 yr old, sat, wide awake through the movie...I asked my friend, where did she come from and I want her cloned!! LOL! Jilly will have her day. Of course behind us was a screaming infant. I have nothing against someone having to bring an infant, but if the infant is crying I would think the person would remove themselves with the baby and calm him or her down.....Not for nothing, but even calm the child down for the people she went to the movies with... Again, infants should be allowed, but there has to be a line of etiquette and common courtesy...Oh well....
Tomorrow, back to work....Oy Vey! I will email Karen, but if anyone else is going to the parade, can you do me a favor and look for Elizabeth. She's marching with Stage Door Productions, they are #46 in the parade and I am not going to be there...So please, please, please, snap a picture and email it to me so I can download it...I would be forever grateful....She's marching with her friend Karly and Karly's mom...
Ok, that's about it for tonight...The girls are down and I want to set myself up for a busy, busy week!!!
Friday, June 27, 2008
Perfect ending to a perfect week..........
But lets end it with a little bang...Like Elizabeth now with a 101 fever. Both girls are laying down right now and I am certain both will nap. Elizabeth hardly ate lunch and she's acting somewhat ok, just tired and sluggish. I'm sure the running around between camp and Oklahoma has not helped...PLUS, Jillian's fever last week adn how she's been feeling. But today is the day...just doing laundry and laying low...NOT LEAVING THE HOUSE. In fact, my husband and Elizabeth did the food shopping earlier and ran errands. It was good for my husband because he was stuck in the house a good part of the week.
No big plans with the exception of taking Elizabeth to see Wall-E on Sunday...Hope its a relaxing weekend!!!!
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Vacation's almost over.....
A lot has been done from my "things to do" list including closets built and two rooms and my hallway painted...It makes the house look completely different and has taken on its own look now...I am loving it....
Jillian ended up with a sinus infection. Went to the doctor today. Since last Friday the temp going back and forth, a horrible cough and runny nose, it was time...Elizabeth had her followup with the ENT and she has an outer ear infection. Most likely, she will be getting a tube in her left ear sometime prior to school beginning. This should help her throughout the school year also.
I've basically been a taxi service this week...Whether it was the girls or numerous trips to Lowe's, but my husband really deserves more of the credit...And my friend Jae....The painting is marvelous...I'm not ready to post pictures and since I do not know exactly where the before pictures are, it might be a while...I was able to get some great deals at Old Time Pottery also...! Love a good deal!
Well that's about all. Elizabeth has had rehearsal Monday, Wed., and we are about to leave in an hour for the last one for the week...Until Monday at least...Oh yea, she will be marching in the July 4th parade with Stage Door Productions...So if you go, wave to her...She's the shortest and youngest one in the batch!!!!
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Just a few pictures from today!!!!
Dance Recital Day
What a long and tiring day. George stayed home with Jillian who spiked another fever of 102, at least one degree down from the morning. The Motrin is wearing off, so I will see shortly how she is doing.
I have tons of pictures, but first, I am posting two video's (if it works!)
And here is Part 2
Enjoy...And thank you Mark, Jae, Casey and Critter...You guys ROCK!!!!
Dress Rehearsal for Dance
Now I need to say this...She wants to continue dance and loves ballet...I love that idea...Jazz too, love that...But she is expressing interest in hip hop. Now while I absolutely LOVE hip hop and watching hip hop, there is a certain "street image" that goes along with the dance, a street attitude that I do not want Elizabeth involved in...especially at this age....I guess if she was 12 or 13, it might be a fight, but she is 6. Luckily, she is at the age that Mommy can sway her and I think we are good to go....
Saturday afternoon is the big show...While I am so excited, I am sadden to think that George might not be able to go. Jillian had started with 103 fever Friday night. The fever broke, but it is now early (did I say early) Saturday morning and her fever is 101. We'll see how the a.m. goes....I would send him and skip the show since I saw the dress rehearsal, but I already volunteered to chaperone backstage...
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Dermatologist Follow-Up
Jillian is enjoying the Summer Camp program...There are 5 other children that were in her class during the year that are with her during the summer. Plus, one of her teachers. Who could ask for more....AND, 2 days in a roll were EXCELLENT days for her...OMG, am I setting myself up??!!!LOL!
Elizabeth had rehearsal for Oklahoma. The kids in this play are in quite a lot of scenes, even if its just as extra's. She learned a new dance and tonight, another new dance...Downside, we did not get out until 9:50 p.m. That is a long night for a 6 yr old. I am tempted to pull her, but when I talk to her about it, she says she wants to do it...Now I feel like a bad mom, because I still think its too much. If she would nap during the afternoon for at least an hour, it would help... So for now, I will continue to be a bad mom. My husband says that now since its summer vacation, she stays up reading or playing quietly until 9:00....BUT, this is definitely something she cannot do during the school year, unless rehearsals were on the weekend...
Other than that, I am looking forward to Friday being my last day of work for a week. Feeling a bit overwhelmed because on top of the rehearsal things, tomorrow is her dress rehearsal for her recital on Sat. Thank God, Friday and Sat. are during the afternoon. She's only in one dance also...Whew!!! SUNDAY is going to be my true day of rest!!!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, June 16, 2008
Marathon Week Begins............HERE!
But this week starts the fun........Elizabeth has her last dance rehearsal before her recital on Saturday. Then tomorrow, Jillian starts her Summer Camp Program at Limona. She is looking forward to it and seems to remember some of it from last year. Elizabeth also seems my hair girl to get her hair styled. Then tomorrow night, dinner with the girls from Limona!!!! Wednesday, Elizabeth has the followup to her dermatologist appt. PLUS rehearsal for Oklahoma in the evening. Unfortunately, this is my husband's birthday, so I am thinking that we will take him out to a nice lunch since we are having a quick dinner and out the door that night. Thursday, more Oklahoma and last day before our vacation...Whoohoo! But also, dress rehearsal and her recital on Saturday...Whew!
We are not going anywhere for vacation. Possibly next Friday we will hit the beach for a few days, but Elizabeth will also be having her Summer Camp at the Rolling Pin next week. We decided that for this vacation, there were things we wanted to get done around the house...We are repainting, sponging, building, etc.... I honestly think its wise for us to not go away this year...with the gas prices and in general, prices of EVERYTHING, I am perfectly fine with that...We've been away for the last 5 years, usually more than 2 vacations a year....Elizabeth has a bunch of friends she wants to see during the summer, Jillian has a few....and I have a ton of projects to do....I consider this vacation one of those vacations that come next Sunday night, I will be exhausted but will be completely satisifed that we took the time out to complete things....Weekends just are not long enough...LOL!!
Saturday, June 14, 2008
A Fun, Leisurely Day
We finished the last touches on Father's Day and we are all set. I am hoping that Jillian falls asleep easily, but she is overtired...She's out here now saying that there are monsters in her room....So I will go and fight away those monsters and put her back to bed.....
Friday, June 13, 2008
A Normal Busy Day
But George is assisting a class at the Rolling Pin tonight which I could not be more happier about. It gave me and the girls to "prepare" for Sunday, if you know what I mean. I am so happy with what the "girls" got him and also the additional gift he'll get Wednesday for his birthday. For the first time in a long time, I know I hit the nail on the head, but again, will share after the fact...But all is wrapped or bagged, whichever and set...Even our craft part was a hell of a lot of fun. One thing I will share (which I know he'll be expecting anyway) is that since Elizabeth was born, 3 weeks after her birth, I have always done her hand and footprints with fabric paint on a t-shirt with the year. When Jillian as born, I added a plain banadana and kept it separate. Since Jilly's first year of doing that, I nixed that and decided to put everything on one shirt. George does not wear them, he saves them. I made a comment this year saying that maybe I would skip it (just for a reaction to see if he lookd forward to it or was bored with them) and dare I think of changing it....This made me very happy and we completed that tonight. Again, hard to do with the way Elizabeth was or feeling...
Well, now its time for some me time so Good Night all my fellow bloggers and readers.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
I Think We've Done It......
Improving Slowly
I've been doing so so well with my healthy eating, exercising, etc...But I might have to just cave and have one of the cupcakes leftover from Elizabeth's party....At this time, I have not done it, but I might just NEED it...But with both girls awake and my difficult time to share sweets, maybe that will hold me off....
More later......
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Info on previous post
Anyway, that is just a summary from the dermo. handout...As far as lice vs. scabies, who really knows...I know what I see in her hair...URGH!!!
Thanks for all the well wishes and sanity for us!!! LOL! By the way, I cut Elizabeth's hair myself. I had's the only way I could really treat her properly. Luckily, Tuesday morning I am able to get her into my girl that does everything for my hair.... She's still sooo cute!!
The Saga Continues........
Infestation....Can it be Over Already??.....
She took it all in stride and even joined in the humor of having this in her hair....Keep your fingers crossed...Once she gets up, I'll wash her hair and check later...The doctor told me that the Mayo suffocates them and the eggs. PLUS a little unknown fact to me, lice HATE dirt...Here I grew up thinking that dirt attracted them....
Monday, June 9, 2008
OMG Part 2
We skipped dance, which was the technical practice, a pretty important one, but she could not go. Of course at the dance studio, they understood and appreciated a bunch. Other than that, I'm beat after 2 hours of hair, but nothing compared to what she went through...So now I am going to relax and either watch TV or read.....Good Night!!!
A Big OMG!!
Elizabeth has be scratching her scalp a lot. Scratching to the point of minimal bleeding. I looked and saw her scalp was dry, thought the sun (even though she has such THICK hair) or the chlorine or maybe when our salt rain low in our filter...I thought about going to a dermotologist, but, she had her well visit coming up.
Thursday, went to her well visit...had the normal check done, etc. and I mentioned two thing to the doctor. One was a small lump, which is actually on her lymph node and due to all the ear problems she has been having. Her ear still looked bad and the doctor gave me drops to use prior to our visit back to the ENT on June 25th. Then I mentioned the hair, in which the doctor looks and said, yes, her scalp is dry. She proceeded to tell me to wash her hair with dandruff shampoo, which they do not make for kids, 2x a week. In about 2 weeks if the problem persists, take her to a dermatologist. I washed her hair Thursday evening after her rehearsal and Friday, itching still. I figured it might take 2 or 3 washings. Well Sat., the party, blah, blah, blah, she was so tired around 8:30 when she went to bed scratching and said I have bugs. She was half awake and half asleep and I thought "did someone say that two her". We had old friends, new friends (friends that couldn't swim at a pool party) girls/boys, did someone tease or joke with her. Anyway, she fell asleep. Sunday, woke up around 9:00 and all of us were beat from the long day we had on Saturday. We skipped church, but I had to calm the girls down a bit and decided to take them in the pool around 11:00 for an hour, have lunch and let them both have down time in their rooms, or course, while I watched the race...LOL! Elizabeth again said about her hair and sure enough, I checked and she had head lice. Never have I personally encountered these bastards!!! (Sorry for the language) Checked Jillian and those bastards were there too! (Not sorry anymore for the language)...LOL!
How the hell, after a week or more of itching, did her doctor not see lice or at least eggs. Granted, I didn't see lice, but I would NOT know what eggs looked like. This is the 2nd time my doctor has thoroughly disappointed me...First, NOT diagnosising Jillian with rotavirus and sending us to a specialist and now this...I will not post her name knowing people that read my blog go to her or at least her office....But I am pissed!!!
So yesterday we did the hair rinse and after, (NO JOKE) 12 loads of wash, I am hoping those guys are out of our house and lives. All stuffies on the girls beds are laying in airtight plastic bags so if they are on them, they are suffocating a slow death...
I did call all the party guests, but guess what, I do not have the # of the girl that got dropped off and couldn't swim...Oh well, not my problem then!!! EVERYONE was extremely nice about it...
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Elizabeth's Birthday Party
We had a bouncy castle, which we were able to get dirt cheap. In our development, the owner of the company rents them out at a set price. The convenience of just being down the road, etc. was well worth it. We had about 14 kids and it was a lot easier to have something that the children can entertain themselves with. And it was not just a bouncy party when we are sitting with a nice pool!!! The party itself was exhausting, but fun...I was originally going to have it for 2-1/2 hours or so, but my husband said no....make it 11:00 - 3:00. Time flew.
Let me share one annoying thing and piece of advice. This was a 6 yr old party...If you throw a party for your child that you believe parents should stay at, you might want to indicate that on the invites. Someone that Elizabeth invited from her class came with her sister. The girls and mom had NEVER been to our house and only met us a couple of times in front of the school. Well in the midst of people coming, she dropped them off, cam ein the backyard and proceed to tell them to have a good time and that she'll be back at 3:00. She also knew it was a pool party. The kicker was, if it wasn't a kicker already, was the girl from Elizabeth's class COULD NOT SWIM. She did not bring floaties or anything she might use. Thanksfully, we had things here for guests, but come on. How stupid can someone be????!!!!
Here are some pictures.....I cannot believe that it is 11:30 and I am still up. Exhausted, but up....
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Sister Update
"Hello" - me
"I'm so sorry" - her
"That's ok, sorry for what" - me
"I forgot her birthday" - her
"It's ok, don't worry about it" - me coldly
"No its not" - her
"I have to go, Elizabeth just came home, it was her last day of school. Talk to you later" - me
I had and have no intention of calling her....But I received an email asking me what she needs or wants...I sent her a email that reads like this:
Donna, I am not going to get into reasons, busyness, whatever regarding forgetting Elizabeth's birthday...I am well past that...
Please DO NOT get her anything, send anything, etc...I would feel forced to return it and not accept it...Birthday's are a time for celebrating, not feeling obligated...At this time, being the 2nd time, I truly think that it's too much of a burden for you to remember my daughter's birthday....I'm truly ok with that...She has other family and plenty of friends that do remember and love her...Birthday's are not about gifts anyway, its about people caring enough about someone to keep them important in your life.
Now I am going to go and celebrate the fact that we are done with school and will be moving on to an enjoyable summer...
Maybe it sounded harsh, but for once, I have no regrets sending this type of email...AT ALL!
School is OUT
Not so funny of a thing was that as I was leaving the gym today, I didn't realize it rained...Well I had to chase Jillian just a little bit, slipped and landed on my right side, right on my elbow...It took minutes for a big knot to grow and now my arm is sore...So I need to go back and ice it up again..Thank God nothing can be broken.....
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
2007-2008 School Year...coming to a close....
This was taken before school
Now at school...........
More fun at school.................
She had a blast with her friends...There were relay races with sponges, which team was able to squeeze the most water out of their sponge, watermelon seed spitting, a station where they put on a t-shirt that was in a water bucket (yes, a kindergartener's version of a wet t-shirt contest) and put a child tub around them and relayed a ball, a bubble station, some other water thing, beach ball throwing and just spraying water all over the place....Jillian had a blast too, but she went not for the water spraying, more for the teacher that gave me a nod and I gave the go ahead for her to use the hose...LOL! It was hot and I am so through with slicing watermelon...And to think, I was sent home a whole watermelon...URG! Love it, but after slicing about 8 or 9, I'm through...Until Saturday for Elizabeth's BD party...
Can't believe school is almost out...Elizabeth will watch a movie and have popcorn tomorrow a.m. and then at 11:45, its over until August....I know I am not alone when I say...YAY, no more getting the girls ready for school...Lets see what I am saying in a week or two...Both girls will be in summer camp programs PLUS Elizabeth will be busy with rehearsal's for Oklahoma...