Saturday, December 6, 2008

The Virus has hit

My computer has been hit with a nasty work computer of all computers...And our personal Dell, is slow as anything. Hopefully, I will be able to purchase a RAM to increase the speed...

It seems that after I left to pick up Jillian from school, something went on...Nothing we personally did since the computer was "home alone". But when I came home, OMG, it was going crazy. I love the convenience of going on the computer to do work, email, search, Facebook or MySpace things and now its not as simple. But we'll see...I know I'm taking off close to 60 hours this month from work, so that will help :)


Karlise said...

Hey if you need some help, I'm sure dh can come by (or you can bring it here). Do you have Ad-Aware and Spybot? Both are free. He can also do a bunch of stuff to speed up your PC.

Debbie said...

You know what, I might need your assistance. I'll email you (maybe) tomorrow, thanks!

Working Mama said...

I am sorry to hear that - it really stinks. When we need the computer we sure want it to work speedy and having it be slow is torture to me too.