Thursday, July 10, 2008

The Temple's in a Nutshell

My girls are growing so much, hitting new milestones, making great childhood memories. (I know that Jillian will not remember much compared to Elizabeth)

Elizabeth finally has a loose tooth. She pointed this out to me about a week and a half ago and the one next to it is getting loose too. I am wondering when it will come out...She is excited, but once that tooth comes out, the newness will be gone. She has been looking forward to this for a long time, ever since one of her friends lost her tooth over our house. As I have said, she is in a play, that opens tonight. Personally, I am also looking forward to the next two weeks to be over, but we are enjoying the ride. I am not a stage-type mom. The stage-type mom's I know put every minute, every dollar into their child, pushes them to try to succeed in the entertaining profession, and that is not me. I've met some wonderful people at Stage Door and mom's that are exactly what I would clarify as a stage-mom. For some, the image is not as negative as I once had, but still not for me...I will truly miss these people. (Elizabeth already is showing interest in the Christmas show)...OY VEY! When Elizabeth is finished with Oklahoma, she has another week of summer camp at the Rolling Pin.

Jillian has been very patient with Elizabeth and I being out in the evening. She has had complete success wearing underwear to summer camp and although it's a little later than most, she's had a difficult year plus some. So success with this is very big to us and to her, no matter what age.... Her success with speech and understanding her is remarkable. Her imagination is enjoyable to watch. Behavorial, well we cannot be 100% successful in everything, what would we still strive for...LOL!

I have had success with my exercising and weightloss. Although this week, the gym is completely out with other commitments, I still find the time to maintain the best I can....Did I say we are splurging tonight and getting McDonalds...LOL! My husband and I have cleaned out things, painted and built things for the house.

Both girls are going to be attending VBS the end of the month and George and I might actually get time to go to dinner...Hopefully, we will use the time for ourselves than to concentrate on more things in the house.

I have noticed that when I set my goals for a reasonable amount of time, they are attainable. Its when I set standards over-the-limit that I have a difficult and frustrating time.

So can life get any better....For me, not is what it is suppose to be...for now!!!!


Working Mama said...

Good luck tonight..I'd say "break a leg" but since Jillian did that once I didn't think it was the best way to wish you luck! LOL! You'll have to share your proud Momma moment of Elizabeth's opening night! It sounds like you have really accomplished a lot. Congrats to Jillian - that is a big step, everyone tackles it at a different age..the age makes no difference in the end. A Big congrats to her! Congrats to you on your weight loss & improving your overall health too!

Melodie said...

Sounds like things are really going great for you and your family! I'm really happy for you. It's always good to commend ourselves for what we have accomplished rather than dog ourselves for what we haven't. I'm glad you're able to appreciate what you've got.