Sunday, July 20, 2008

Getting back to some NORMALCY

Last night was closing night for Oklahoma. It is bittersweet....Sad because we spent so much time with other cast members and also nice to have "free time" again...for both Elizabeth and I. She did start crying last night and I could not help but tear up myself when I saw that. She made some great friends there and the adults took to some of the kids too. Elizabeth actually has a set of adopted parents...LOL!

After the final curtain call, there was a cast party. They had pizza and ice cream and presented everyone with a picture in a frame made for each member of the cast. They also received a certificate and a medal. By that time, it was midnight and all the kids seemed wired and ready to go. There were a few kids that must be used to the late nights because they looked like they could go for a few more hours...Maybe it was a 2nd wind or something.

I personally did not go to bed until 1:30 which is extremely late for me. Once I came home and got Elizabeth to bed, I was a bit wired and sat on the computer for about 1/2 an hour and then read for another 1/2 an hour. Today is going to be one of those enjoyable, lazy day...Only if it wasn't so nice out though!!!

Starting tomorrow, we will be back on a "normal" schedule and both Elizabeth and I will be home at night. Hopefully this will also help Jillian...But quite honestly, when Jillian is one on one with either my husband or I, she is better than all four of us together. I think the girls get each other excited, etc.

So I am posting some pictures from last night...Some of the cast member's with Elizabeth.


Melodie said...

I was in drama in high school and worked on quite a few big productions. It is quite the letdown after it's all over and things go back to "normal." After spending every day with the other people in the production for so long, you become like a family and it's hard to say goodbye.

Working Mama said...

Awww, how sweet. It sounds like it was a great experience for her despite the demands it placed on your family! I'm sure you are looking forward to a little normalcy for the last few weeks of summer. Enjoy it!