Thursday, May 8, 2008

One more for the Gold

As some of you remember, Elizabeth received a Gold Medal for reading in December. Yates has two "Gold Medal" Ceremonies per year. I received a 2nd invite to the Gold Medal Ceremony today for next Tuesday. They do not tell you what it is for, but I can assume it is reading. She was put in a 1st grade reading group back in November and currently reading books at a 1st, sometimes, 2nd grade level. She loves reading and I can see that she is so far, following in Mommy's footsteps...

So Proud of you Bugaboo!!!

Here is her pictures in December~~~~~~~~~


Working Mama said...

Congrats to Elizabeth! That is great! Isn't is great to have an awesome reader?? I know I'm thrilled about Matthew's interest & abilities too. We already have him set up for an extra reading program at kindergarten since he's reading 3 grade levels above that already! You go, Elizabeth! Jillian is sure to follow in the footsteps!!!

Melodie said...

That's so great, Debbie! It's so great when they love to read.