Thursday, September 4, 2008

Temple Household Take (whatever # we are on)

Well here is what is happening....My X-Ray definitely showed a clear crack in one of my ribs. This will heal on its own, obviously. The medicine has definitely helped me function through the day, but counteract that with the cough, I am usually exhausted at night.

George has a pneumonia again. When will this end you ask? Exactly my question. I have to be quite honest, what if he never did get over having the pneumonia? He possibly could of had it since June/July but the symptons hiden due to the med's....He was home the rest of the day today...I originally drove him to work, then we went to the doctor, X-ray, and picked Jillian up all because he was way to dizzy this a.m. But my husband is the type to downsize health issues with him and insisted that he goes to work. But there was no way I would let him drop Elizabeth off, nor drive period. He was home the rest of today and tomorrow.

The weekend plan consists of Elizabeth having 45 minutes of dance on Saturday and NOTHING else...No inside work, no outside work...just rest and relaxation!!!


Melodie said...

You guys need to take it as easy as possible. It's horrible that you are all sick at the same time, and you must be in so much pain when you cough with that cracked rib. I'll be praying for you all to get better.

Working Mama said...

Oh my - a cracked rib! Please tell George to stop beating you up - LOL! I am sorry, I am sure laughing hurts like crazy. Well I am glad you will get some rest this weekend - we'll send lots of healthy prayers & wishes your way!!