Saturday, September 27, 2008

Borders & Park

Today (with George gone) I wanted to make sure I kept the girls busy. I did go to the gym this a.m., which they usually enjoy going to the Kids Club. After that, I had 1/2 an hour to spare for a quick shower and back out the door for Dance. This week the parents were able to observe the dancers more than just looking through the window. This was during the last 15 minutes of the class, so Jillian and I head to get gas and to Publix for a few items. After all that, we came home had lunch and I did a quick swap with putting clothes from the washer to the dryer and we were out the door again.

I had decided early this week to take the girls to a Kids Party at the Borders in Brandon. My girlfriend, her 3 boys and us.....what a HUGE mistake. The place in the kids section was packed...The planned activities for the different age groups did not go on. Instead, some stories were read, color pages were available, crayons, pipe cleaners, sissors and construction paper. There was no structure like the ad said 0-5 yrs, 6-8 yrs then 9 and up....Nothing like that...I was annoyed that there was nothing even close to that...Instead, it was a free-for-all for the kids. Actually, the kids seemed good, but being so many and unorganized...URGH!!...We stayed over an hour and then we decided to take the kids to All Person's. That worked out good. But let me say this, why would you have a birthday party at a park like All Person's (and for those who do not know, its a nice size park, very, very kid friendly and lots for kids to play on), have to rent a bouncy house. To me, it does not make sense. I know the park doesn't cost anything, but in my head, the park is the fun park and in place of a bouncy thing. Poor Jillian...she loves those things and I had to tell her many times, we could not play in it. So my little girl, being hot and tired anyway, was not happy...All she wanted was some juice, which she drank. She did a bit of whinning, of course, but I was able to bring her back now and then...

Finally, we headed home around 5:15 and the girls went straight in the bath...Now they are set for church in the a.m. Jillian was asleep by 7:00 and Elizabeth, well I let her watch some TV on non-school nights, but she was asleep by 7:30ish. So I have the night to myself to do what, work a bit and laundry! There's not even anything worth watching on TV...Right now, I have on Seinfeld on one of the Demand stations!!

But even though Borders was not what I expected and the bouncy thing irritated me for some unknown reason, I had a great day with my girlies!!!!

Any hoot, time to fold towels!


Karen said...

I didn't know they could set up a bouncy castle at All Persons. I'm assuming they had to hook it up to a power source. Who's paying for the power? I wonder if they did it without asking first?

Working Mama said...

You know, I was "this" close to taking the boys up to Borders for that event on Saturday. Then I got caught up playing outside & actually forgot all about it Saturday afternoon - so sounds like it was good that I forgot. We ran to Borders on Wed. and I saw the sign posted & Friday I kept telling myself that the plan was to go there on Sat. Don't you just hate it when they have such disorganized events that are billed as organized??