Thursday, October 2, 2008

Daisy Troop Update

My first troop meeting is tomorrow afternoon, after school. I am very excited about it, a bit nervous because I want to make sure the girls are interested, but very excited.

I did get my Troop # which is 556..Whoohoo for us. I also have 8 definite girls in my troop and a possible 3 or 4 others. That to me is a full troop. Good vs. bad....our of the 8 definite, all the girls pretty much know each other or know one through another girl or whatever. It really does not give an opportunity to meet new girls. What it does do is that the girl's knew each other thru preschool and/or church. It does give them a sense of building a stronger relationship, one that is not necessarily established at 4 yrs old or during a school day.

I met with my Asst. Leader today and we basically have a rough idea of our meetings for the month. We are going to go along with the school schedule, ex. no meeting on the 17th. I will still have a meeting on Halloween being that kids do not trick or treat before 6:00. We can have a little party or Halloween celebration during our meeting with a nice craft.

I am also very proud to say that Jillian has taken a complete 180 in school. Her behavior has been very good, something I am not used to having consistently.

So as we end the week, we are probably hitting Disney this weekend...Whoohoo! A nice way to end a pretty good week!


Working Mama said...

Well congrats to you, Troop Leader Temple! That is awesome & I bet you will LOVE doing the Daisy troop. I really enjoyed brownies & girls scouts (either they didn't have Daisy's back when I was a kid or just not in our town) & how great for the girls. Good going! Great news about Jillian too - I bet that just makes your heart sing to hear!

Melodie said...

They didn't have Daisies back then, Andrea. They only started Daisies a year or two before Sarah was in kindergarten.

Congrats on your troop, Debbie! I'm sure you'll love it. 8-10 is a good size for a troop. I started my Daisy troop with 8 girls, then added two, and dropped two before the end of the year. The 8-10 size was perfect. I Brownies, I let the troop size get too large (14+) and it was too much to handle. I know it's hard to say no to "just one more girl," but if you keep saying "yes," things can get out of control.
Sarah's troop leaders had always kept their troop capped at 12, so they would only need two chaperones and two minivans for any field trip they took. It worked great for them.