Friday, November 28, 2008
Black Friday
Let me just say, there have been many years I would say that those people that shop on this day, get up extra early, stand in ridiculous lines are crazy...Watch on the news to see the lines outside stores while the helicopters go over for the news stations, etc...This morning at 5:00, I stood at Toys R Us looking up at those helicopters. OMG, so many people, but OMG, I saved close to $100 and have key gifts and DIRT CHEAP things. One example is a DVD Dance Revolution game, sells for $24.99...I paid $9.98. That is just one thing from a cart full of things...Yes, checkout took 1-1/2 hours, but you know what, I did it and I am done!!! AND saved! Would I do it again, it really depends if there are key items I want. Today, there were 4 or 5 things, but I doubt I would of done that, better yet, I know I would not have done that just aimlessly going...So yay for me, yay for the girls and yay for George not hearing me stress over shopping. This is also the first year I avoided the online shopping way. I can't compare to see if I would of saved shopping in person or online, but I went with a positive attitude and at the end of today, happy with what I accomplished...
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving!!
I just wanted to post a Happy Thanksgiving to all that read my blog...We decided against Disney ONLY because Jillian has had a cough and ended back at hte doctor on Tuesday...So its a relaxing day, cleaning out the garage and taking Christmas decorations out! Yay!!! I've also never done this before, but tomorrow I am working. I will start a report that I need to run and head to TRU...Yep, around 5:30!!! a.m., that is!!!
Monday, November 24, 2008
Tonight was Jillian's Thanksgiving Program at her preschool. Even though she is sick again with the cough (oy vey, another story!) she did an awesome job and was so adorable on stage....Very tired and I need to be there again tomorrow, so I will just post some pictures and write another time...After all, the pictures are more important!! LOL!

Then Elizabeth had her Thanksgiving Program in school, but tonight she just wore her Pilgrim hat with her Hannah Montana shirt...So she is our Rockstar Pilgrim!!!
Friday, November 21, 2008
On the Road to Recovery!!
Well, its been a strange week, 1st time we have all been sick at the same time. Jillian started it, much better, Elizabeth is ok, has the cough still....George has the cough still and well me, I will now be able to hold my family together! I went to the doctor and started on an antibiotic and cough medicine and although I still have the cough, hard at times, I am feeling so much better. I need to go with my intuition when it comes to me...I know when I feel so lousy, I need something more than OTC medicine. When I start medicine, the following day I already start feeling better. I rarely take antibiotics so I think they start working quick on me...
Tomorrow, we are celebrating Thanksgiving with George's son. He is headed to Texas, Galveston to be more specific, to help rebuild from the hurricane in September. He does roofing and now construction and the need is urgent there. Work has been pretty slow here for residential work (Pinellas County) so this will be good for him. Hopefully, he'll be back by Christmas. We never know with him, he might just start over in Texas. At least we'll have a new vacation spot...LOL!
We'll miss him and the girl's do not really know or relate to time, so they will definitely feel like its forever...
Ok, time to get ready to take Jilly to school and do my food shopping. At least I'll miss the hustle of shopping the week of Thanksgiving...Oh yea, we are better and going to Disney for Thanksgiving. And from what I hear, Fast pass is not even necessary on that day!! LOL! Yay for me!!
Tomorrow, we are celebrating Thanksgiving with George's son. He is headed to Texas, Galveston to be more specific, to help rebuild from the hurricane in September. He does roofing and now construction and the need is urgent there. Work has been pretty slow here for residential work (Pinellas County) so this will be good for him. Hopefully, he'll be back by Christmas. We never know with him, he might just start over in Texas. At least we'll have a new vacation spot...LOL!
We'll miss him and the girl's do not really know or relate to time, so they will definitely feel like its forever...
Ok, time to get ready to take Jilly to school and do my food shopping. At least I'll miss the hustle of shopping the week of Thanksgiving...Oh yea, we are better and going to Disney for Thanksgiving. And from what I hear, Fast pass is not even necessary on that day!! LOL! Yay for me!!
Monday, November 17, 2008
My Family of Four ~~~~~~~ALL SICK!!
Yes, we've done it now...We all have upper respiratory infections. Jillian did start this one and was on a heavy duty cough medicine, Respitann. I just filled her Amox. since the doctor told me that last Friday if she wasn't better, to do that. I wanted to give her a few extra days because viral, antibotics do nothing for. But knowing how bad she felt and how this has spread to Elizabeth, George and myself, we need to knock this out. Today, I opened the house up to help let the cool air kill the germs.
Now I read that Melodie and her girl's all are sick too. I guess this newest cold/virus is hitting households, not individuals.
Hope everyone is going to feel better very, very soon!
Now I read that Melodie and her girl's all are sick too. I guess this newest cold/virus is hitting households, not individuals.
Hope everyone is going to feel better very, very soon!
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Space Shuttle & Novemberfest
Last night, the shuttle went up to space to make some repairs to the space station that have not been working correctly for almost a year. The space shuttle went up appox. 7:55 p.m. last night and as we watched it on TV, we ran outside to see if we could see it even with all the clouds...Let me say, WE SAW IT...It was amazing to actually know that we saw it, clear as day (but as night). From the distance, it just looked like a small, bright reddish/orange line. But indeed, we can say we saw it LIVE!
Today we went to Nativity's Novemberfest. We went because of Elizabeth and Judy's Dance dancing there. Otherwise, I am not a huge fan of overly-priced fairs and carnivals. I am not saying that the money does not go to good use, but everything is just hugely expensive there. Instead of buying 2 armbands, we just bought $20 worth of tickets and that was good for the girls.
But at about 6:30, Judy's started dancing and Elizabeth's Ballet Esemble was the 4th out of approx. 14 different dances. Her group did a fantastic job (mommy bragging) and Elizabeth looked adorable dancing. They did a Rock ballet to Queen's "We Will Rock You". Not knowing, Elizabeth's 3 friends from school and 1 from Daisy's were there. They did not come to specifically watch her dance, but when I told them that she was, they sat by us and wanted to watch her. Its so nice that at 6 yrs old, she has that kind of support from her own friends.
Great job, Elizabeth!! We love you!!!
Today we went to Nativity's Novemberfest. We went because of Elizabeth and Judy's Dance dancing there. Otherwise, I am not a huge fan of overly-priced fairs and carnivals. I am not saying that the money does not go to good use, but everything is just hugely expensive there. Instead of buying 2 armbands, we just bought $20 worth of tickets and that was good for the girls.
But at about 6:30, Judy's started dancing and Elizabeth's Ballet Esemble was the 4th out of approx. 14 different dances. Her group did a fantastic job (mommy bragging) and Elizabeth looked adorable dancing. They did a Rock ballet to Queen's "We Will Rock You". Not knowing, Elizabeth's 3 friends from school and 1 from Daisy's were there. They did not come to specifically watch her dance, but when I told them that she was, they sat by us and wanted to watch her. Its so nice that at 6 yrs old, she has that kind of support from her own friends.
Great job, Elizabeth!! We love you!!!
Monday, November 10, 2008
Elizabeth's First Camporee
Saturday, Elizabeth went to her first Girl Scout Camporee as a Daisy. Most of my troop went besides one girl and then two new members that I could not squeeze in due to the extended deadline for RSVP's for new troops. But the girl's had a blast. We had 10 girls and its amazing how well they get along. Now at least one girl knows another girl from school or preschool (in some cases, they know a few more). But what is special is that there is not one girl that knew every girl in the troop. This gives the girls a chance to start and build new friendships.
This year's theme was Disney. Not only appropriate for Florida, but appropriate in my eyes! LOL! The day started with a very nice flag ceremony. To think, hundreds of girls quiet at the same time...AMAZING!!! There were 6 different activities, some free time, even a GS Swap where each person makes a certain amount of small, inexpensive crafts and then they swap with other girls. Our sister troop was there to partner with my girls. Some of the girls, like Elizabeth, really got the hang of swapping and began to re-swap..heehee! It was very cute.
We left around 5:00ish and I have to say, I was exhausted...but that good exhausted feeling.
I want to give a special shout out and thank you to Emily, Melodie's daughter, who walked and stayed with our troop for quite a few activities. The girls LOVED her!!! She was there as a Senior GS (Cadette to be exact) to help my girl's with crafts or whatever. All my parents went, but having Emily around was a Godsend. Some of the parents were not as actively involved in certain activities because they wanted their girls to have that independence and also interact with Emily or other Senior Scouts running the actitivities. You can see a picture of our troop (556) with myself, my co-leader and Emily...Then there are pictures of Elizabeth....It was definitely memorable for Elizabeth because as I said previously, she lost her first tooth RIGHT before going swimming....!!!
Then, if you are wondering, Jillian was in Tampa for the day at our babysitter, Lindsey's house. This was the first time, besides school, that I have left her ANYWHERE for the day. Lindsey was wonderful with her and Jillian did wonderful. Towards the end, she cried for me, but Jillian had a ball. I did get one call because Jillian did not know if she could poop at someone else's house...LOL! I thought that was cute!!!!
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Thursday, November 6, 2008
My day, Thursday
Well, George is off to NY to a family member's retirement dinner. Its a complete surprise besides my mother-in-law and one SIL and BIL where he went to dinner tonight. George fly directly into Newburgh/Stewart airport and the only direct flight was JetBlue out of Orlando. What an expensive trip between tolls and parking. But he arrived safely.
I had Jillian in the extended care program in case I was not back in time. I picked her up after getting Elizabeth and Jillian was crying thinking I wasn't coming for her. Mommy guilt even though I told her about it...
Then this evening, we had a Reading event at Elizabeth's school. The PTA grilled hotdogs for anyone with a beverage and both girls ate there...Then on to the activities. The first graders sang and each grade after had some sort of performance. They had 3-20 minute small workshop type sessions. These sessions were to guide parents into the reading program at Yates. It really was not necessary that we went since I already knew the program, but it was still fun for Elizabeth. And she saw a lot of her Daisy pals.
Both girls are missing Daddy. Elizabeth cried a bit from tiredness and not having Daddy around. Its sort of a compliment to our home life, that we have such quality time with our kids and they feel something if things change. But on the flip side, things do come up.
Tomorrow night, we have a party to go to and on Sat. is our Camporee. Again, keep the girlies busy:):)
I had Jillian in the extended care program in case I was not back in time. I picked her up after getting Elizabeth and Jillian was crying thinking I wasn't coming for her. Mommy guilt even though I told her about it...
Then this evening, we had a Reading event at Elizabeth's school. The PTA grilled hotdogs for anyone with a beverage and both girls ate there...Then on to the activities. The first graders sang and each grade after had some sort of performance. They had 3-20 minute small workshop type sessions. These sessions were to guide parents into the reading program at Yates. It really was not necessary that we went since I already knew the program, but it was still fun for Elizabeth. And she saw a lot of her Daisy pals.
Both girls are missing Daddy. Elizabeth cried a bit from tiredness and not having Daddy around. Its sort of a compliment to our home life, that we have such quality time with our kids and they feel something if things change. But on the flip side, things do come up.
Tomorrow night, we have a party to go to and on Sat. is our Camporee. Again, keep the girlies busy:):)
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
One more thing about this Election Day
I cannot believe the actions of some people. I know someone who made a call, not to me, but another person, elderly as a matter-of-fact, telling them if they would vote one way, they would take her out to dinner. (This was all family so there was no bribery going on!) But the nerve. We are part of a country that we can vote for who we prefer without having to be persuaded to do vote a certain way. I also think that its quite rude for people that are not close to a person, to ask who they are voting for. That is not necessary. I was brought up that who a person votes for should be kept private. It does not have to be broadcasted just to possibly get ridiculed by some and forced to listen to other's belief's...Come on now, we are a free country and sometimes it take a few individuals that try to take that freedom away!
I can't wait to see what the outcome is...I will just be happy to get new blood in D.C. at this point! Even Mickey Mouse would be an ideal candidate. Lets face it, whoever wins, a could percentage of the citizens will bad-mouth in a year or two!
This is just my opinion and I have approved this blog!
I can't wait to see what the outcome is...I will just be happy to get new blood in D.C. at this point! Even Mickey Mouse would be an ideal candidate. Lets face it, whoever wins, a could percentage of the citizens will bad-mouth in a year or two!
This is just my opinion and I have approved this blog!
Whoohoo! You know what that means...tomorrow we can wake up "commerical ad free", signs SHOULD come down and we should stop being flooded with SLIMY attacks from both candidates...I say both candidates since they "approve the message"...LOL!
Ok, time to get ready so I can drop off the girls and go vote!!!!
Ok, time to get ready so I can drop off the girls and go vote!!!!
Monday, November 3, 2008
Annoying Phone Calls
I swear, if I get one more phone call from the Republican Party, I will scream...And yes, we are on the DO NOT CALL list, but I guess like charities, freaking politician's are exempt!!! I am not even declared either party...something I truly do not believe in for myself...I do not vote for a Party, more the person!!
Tomorrow cannot come too soon!!! (call #1, 8:07 a.m. today)
Tomorrow cannot come too soon!!! (call #1, 8:07 a.m. today)
Saturday, November 1, 2008
This was taken at school, actually 3 days after her birthday due to our Fall Festival!
She's loving it!!
Yummy cake time....this was today!
Today's party wsa a lot of fun....Of course, George was our "hired" Chef for the party while I took care of the kids food. Everyone won 1st prize for their costume's and the kids played on the swings and in the sandbox practically the whole time. We did play "Pin the Nose on the Pumpkin". When everyone left, the girls played outside even in the rain. The last picture is During the Rain storm!!
Part 2 is continuing with 3 of Elizabeth's friend's from school (all sisters) came and spent the night....They were up until 9:45..Oy Vey! But they had a nice time...My husband and I are exhausted and tomorrow is laundry and race day! THAT'S all with maybe a little work!!! LOL!
Halloween Pics
A teal witch and Char-Pey from High School Musical (all numbers)! LOL!
Had to get these on because today is now Jillian's Birthday/Halloween/Costume party...More pics to come!!
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